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What are the precautions in the processing of dried potatoes?


The processing of dried potatoes requires multiple processes, each of which requires meticulous attention. Only with careful preparation can we produce dried potatoes with unique export flavors. With the improvement of people's living standards the increasing demand for health, dried potatoes are increasingly favored by consumers, market demand is also constantly growing. The dried potato processing industry is also constantly innovating developing, providing consumers with more better taste nutritional value dried potato products.

The key step in the processing of dried potatoes is drying. Drying is the process of putting cut potato chips into a dryer evaporating the moisture in the chips through the action of hot air, thereby achieving the drying of the chips. The drying temperature is generally controlled between 80 ℃ -100 ℃, the time is determined based on the thickness of the potato chips the characteristics of the equipment used. After drying, the potato chips show a golden color, a crispy taste, a long storage period.

What are the precautions in the processing of dried potatoes?

Variety selection: Choose high-quality potato varieties suitable for processing, ensuring good raw material quality free harmful substances.

Cleaning peeling: Before processing, potatoes must be thoroughly cleaned peeled to remove soil impurities.

Slicing processing: Cut the cleaned potatoes into uniform thin slices, ensuring that the thickness size of the slices are consistent to ensure even drying.

Steaming treatment: Steam the cut potato chips, let them cool after cooking to make them easier to handle.

Saccharification treatment: Add an appropriate amount of sugar water to the steamed potato chips for saccharification treatment to increase the sweetness of the dried potatoes.

Drying treatment: Put the saccharified potato chips into a dryer for drying treatment, control the time temperature to avoid excessive drying spoilage.

Cooling treatment: After drying, cool the dried potatoes to allow them to cool naturally reduce moisture.

Packaging treatment: Package dried cooled dried potatoes to ensure good sealing prevent moisture impurities entering.

Dried potatoes are a type of food made potatoes, which have a crispy nutritious taste are loved by a large number of consumers. Dried potato processing is a highly technical process that requires multiple steps to turn fresh potatoes into delicious dried potatoes. I hope that with the continuous improvement of technology the improvement of production processes, the dried potato processing industry can provide more more delicious dried potato products to consumers.

The main components of dried potatoes are potatoes, starch, edible oil, salt, etc. Potatoes are beneficial to human health, with high protein content abundant vitamins minerals. Dried potatoes have a starch content of over 70%, the main component of starch is glucose. Therefore, the digestion speed of starch is relatively fast, making it easy for the human body to convert starch into energy.




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