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Why do Li Taro Gan Li Ren all love to eat?


Now nutritionists point out that Litailang Ganli kernel is a kind of dry fruit with high carbohydrate content, which can provide more heat for the human body help fat metabolism. In order to ensure the supply of basic nutrients to the body, it is called iron crops woody grains. Therefore, Gan Li Ren has the effects of tonifying qi, strengthening the spleen, nourishing the gastrointestinal tract. It is suggested that people with diabetes obesity should eat a large amount of chestnut kernel to avoid discomfort.

With the development of the market, the name "Ganli" has become increasingly common, some regions have also registered geographical indication trademarks using Ganli. But the name Ganli is mostly written. So, there is no difference between Chinese chestnut Chinese chestnut, but in China, the term "Chinese chestnut" is relatively popular. In Tianjin Japan, Chinese chestnut is commonly referred to as "Chinese chestnut".

Why do Li Taro Gan Li Ren all love to eat?

Really fragrant

Open the bag you can smell the sweet fresh fragrance. A light sniff can't help but catch a breath. Upon entering, you are immediately captured, allowing the chestnut kernel fragrance to permeate your mouth tongue.

Really sweet

Born with a fresh fragrance the mountains plains, it is sweet but greasy, the more you eat, the more reluctant you are to let go. The sweet taste stimulates the happy dopamine, injecting a touch of happiness into a plain life.

Steamed soft

Soft but powdery, glutinous but sticky, fresh delicate with rich layers, the texture of chestnut kernels can be felt between bites, which is still a sense of satisfaction fulfillment.

Every 130 grams of ripe chestnuts can peel 100 grams of chestnut kernels, providing about 210 kcal of calories 4.8 grams of protein, while 100 grams of cooked rice can only provide 120 kcal of calories 2.6 grams of protein. That is to say, compared to cooked rice, cooked chestnut kernels of the same weight have less moisture more dry goods, providing about twice as much calories protein as rice. In addition, the dietary fiber in chestnuts is four times that of rice, so chestnuts have a stronger sense of fullness, lower blood sugar response, longer hunger tolerance than rice.

The Polyunsaturated fatty acid, vitamins minerals contained in Chinese chestnut can prevent treat hypertension, coronary heart disease, osteoporosis other diseases. It is a good tonic for anti-aging longevity. In the Song Dynasty, there was a poem by Lu You: "The floating roots of my teeth sigh at my age, the burning of mountain chestnuts cannons heals my hunger at night. The poet of the same generation, Su Frog, said, "When I grow old, I will suffer waist foot diseases. The mountain man will wear the old chestnut spread formula, the guest will come to say that morning rises evening falls. Three swallows will slowly gather the white jade slurry



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